We want to wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous 2018! We’d like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to help your business become more sustainable and efficient. Since 2011, EcoZohm has been able to give a portion of profits to local charities. This year we decided to directly help the homeless in Florida. Our CEO, Dr. Ed Bice, and his family assembled care packages and went out on Christmas morning to deliver them to local homeless people most in need.
From Our Family to Yours, Thank You!
We Strive to Bring Massive Value to Others
Other Causes You Help Us Support
Barium Springs
We believe that the true joy in life comes when we can Give. We are happy to share that because of our clients, we were able to supply Barium Springs Home for Children with EcoZohm LED fixtures at no charge. We have donated funding in the past, but a dollar given became a dollar spent on expenses. We implemented a program in 2014 of donating new fixtures to Barium Springs in an attempt to eventually retrofit the entire campus.
“The Children and staff were excited by your generosity. Your act of kindness truly makes a difference in the lives of these children in need and assists us in providing additional services.”
– John Koppelmeyer (President/CEO)

Barium Springs is a non-profit that provide services to almost 3,000 children and families in North Carolina. Their mission is to provide a safe healing journey for hurting children and families – creating hope now and in the future. www.bariumspings.org